Wednesday, June 23, 2010

20-23 May 2010 Thursday-Sunday

I experienced jet lag to the max-oh yes. We hit the ground running as our driver and tour guide Malcom-soon to be called “papa,” picked the ten of us up at the airport. He took us around Table Mountain through to Stellenbosch, where we were all captivated by its beauty. We stayed at “Lumley’s Place” a Bed and Breakfast-which was the ritz compared to what we all expected, but accommodations were limited due to the world cup, and the hospitality of South Aficans is so great, we came to realize, that Cheryl, our wonderful trip coordinator from Stellenbosch University probably wanted us to stay in a nice place. You know, this was one thing we all struggled with while staying there. I couldn’t’ feel at ease when on our driver to the B&B, we passed kilometers and kilo’s worth of townships and shanty towns (no electricity or plumbing). We came to serve and learn, and though we were learning, we were being served…
I soon found out (as the schedule changed and altered with the wind) we would all be staying in the township of Gugulethu starting Monday through Saturday. “Cool,” I thought, “real immersion!”What was yet to come none of us expected or could have prepared for. Cheryl had worked out with the J.L. Zwane center/church members home stays for each of us. So now we were not just staying in a big room on matrices as we had thought, but we would be split into 5 groups and introduced to our papa or mama for the week. We were a little nervous, but knew God was in control, and saw it as a huge opportunity to love and learn!
I chose to go with Julie, who I hoped to get to know better during the trip. We were put with Mama Toto, who had her granddaughter Sinazo living with her in the Townships. [Apparently the Western Cape has a better education then the Eastern Cape.] Oh they were both so wonderful and hospitable. They were loving and willing to give whatever they had. Mama Toto lived in a nice house in Gugulethu township, no running hot water, cold was plentiful though, and that was sufficient indeed. I wish I could share with you all the conversations we had at night after all 5 families had gathered together for a meal, [ and us students did the dishes, always a musical] fellowship, and then departed to our respected homes. Sinazo is in 8th grade, and is very intelligent. She loves to draw and design dresses and was a talented dancer. What a great sense of humor that girl has. She happily gave Julie and I Xhosa lessons (her mother tongue). I have been writing all the words I am trying to learn down in a little book. Mama Toto was so trusting with us, the second day we left after her in the morning so she left us with the keys to lock up. Each day we had different agendas but all of it was purposed to give us a picture of the health care, education and special need situations in this township. I could say this a thousand times and never deny it = I am so blessed and thankful to be out of my comfort zone! Think I am crazy? Try it. When you are trusting God, even things that seem like a setback or inconvenience are used to bless His name, and put you in circumstances to growth and mature.

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