Saturday, May 15, 2010


Just a few short days until I depart from the U.S. and arrive in Cape Town, South Africa! I am overflowing with excitement as this new adventure is about to begin! Well actually, hold on. It already has begun. The multi-faceted preparation has been such that I would never have been able to prepare for. I just needed to experience it. The preparation of immunizations has been a small test in itself. As many know, I am NOT a needle person; nope, no way would I volunteer to have a shot injected into my body. No. But- I have recieved vaccinations with the understanding that they are necessary to remain healthy to be able to serve at all during my trip. Part of God's prepping for me, has been to learn to trust Him.....To trust Him in what I could, and could not control. These matters range from small, to large. Whether the obstacle is financial support, or housing, I am in a place where my faith is being tested of its endurance.
Regardless of my sleep depravity from this past semester, I have been trying to catch up where I can. I am so thankful I had a week in between finals and leaving for my trip with Waynesburg to spend time with my Family, Friends and Wally. Each moment I have cherished, for I am striving to be present everywhere I am each day. I am learning a little more daily of the importance of being confident in the task God has placed directly in front of me.
It is my continuous desire and prayer, that God would continue to break me, reveal in me any crooked and non surrendered part--to prepare my heart to be used in whatever way He has in store to further His Kingdom.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

I am at the Simpson's celebrating Mothers Day!
Thanks Jeff for your help to set this blog up!